What Are Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

Most of us walk every day without much thought. But sometimes, a simple walk can turn into a life-changing event. Pedestrian accidents happen more often than we think and can cause serious harm. If you or someone you care about has suffered an injury while walking, you might wonder what to do next. Below are some common injuries from pedestrian accidents and how a lawyer can help get you back on your feet.

To discuss a potential case regarding your injuries, consult a Tampa pedestrian accident attorney directly.

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Understanding Pedestrian Accidents

Driver's view through a rainy windshield, with pedestrians crossing a street ahead in blurred focus.

Before diving into the injuries, let’s talk about a pedestrian accident. Simply put, it’s when a person walking gets hit by a vehicle. This can be a car, truck, motorcycle, or bicycle. These accidents can happen anywhere – at crosswalks, on sidewalks, or along the side of the road.

Pedestrian accidents are often more serious than other types of traffic accidents. Why? Because people walking don’t have any protection against the force of a vehicle. There’s no seatbelt, airbag, or metal frame to absorb the impact. This means that even a low-speed collision can cause major injuries.

Types of Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

When a car hits someone walking, it can cause many injuries. Some might be small, like cuts and bruises. Others can be very serious and change a person’s life forever. Here are some injuries that often happen in these accidents:

Head Injuries

The head is very important, and it’s easy to hurt in an accident. If someone’s head hits the car or the ground, they might get a concussion or a more serious brain injury. These can cause problems with thinking, memory, and even how a person acts.

Head injuries can range from mild to severe:

  • Concussions: These are common and can cause headaches, confusion, and dizziness.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): More serious head injuries can lead to long-term problems with thinking, emotions, and physical abilities.
  • Skull Fractures: In severe cases, the skull itself can crack, which is very dangerous.

Even if a head injury seems minor initially, it’s crucial to get checked by a doctor. Some symptoms might not show up right away but can become serious later.

Broken Bones

Cars are much harder than human bodies. When they collide, bones can break. Pedestrian accidents often break legs, arms, hips, and ribs. These injuries can take a long time to heal and might need surgery.

Common broken bones in pedestrian accidents include:

  • Leg Fractures: Because legs often take the first impact, breaks in the femur, tibia, or fibula are common.
  • Arm Fractures: People might try to break their fall with their arms, leading to breaks.
  • Pelvic Fractures: These are very serious and can cause long-term mobility issues.
  • Rib Fractures: While often less severe, broken ribs can be very painful and make breathing difficult.

Broken bones can take weeks or months to heal. In some cases, they might never fully recover to their pre-accident condition.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spine is necessary for movement and feeling in our body. If it gets hurt in an accident, it can lead to serious problems. Some people might lose feeling or the ability to move body parts. In very bad cases, it can cause paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries can result in:

  • Paraplegia: Loss of movement and sensation in the lower body.
  • Quadriplegia: Loss of movement and sensation in both arms and legs.
  • Chronic Pain: Even if paralysis doesn’t occur, spinal injuries can lead to ongoing pain.

These injuries often require long-term care and can significantly change a person’s life.

Internal Injuries

Sometimes, injuries aren’t visible from the outside. The force of getting hit by a car can hurt organs inside the body. These injuries can be very dangerous if not treated quickly.

Internal injuries might include:

  • Internal Bleeding: This can be life-threatening if not caught early.
  • Organ Damage: The impact might injure the liver, spleen, or kidneys.
  • Punctured Lungs: Broken ribs can sometimes damage the lungs.

Getting a thorough medical checkup is important because these injuries aren’t always obvious immediately after a pedestrian accident.

Cuts and Bruises

While not as serious as other injuries, cuts and bruises are common in pedestrian accidents. They can be painful and take time to heal.

  • Cuts (Lacerations): These can range from minor scrapes to deep wounds that need stitches.
  • Bruises (Contusions): These happen when blood vessels under the skin break.
  • Road Rash: This painful injury occurs when skin scrapes against the road surface.

Soft Tissue Injuries

These injuries affect muscles, ligaments, and tendons. While they might not be as visible as broken bones, they can cause long-lasting pain and mobility issues.

Close-up of a woman applying a cold compress to her neck, soothing a soft tissue injury.

Common soft tissue injuries include:

  • Sprains: Stretching or tearing of ligaments.
  • Strains: Stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons.
  • Whiplash: A neck injury often caused by sudden movement.

These injuries can be tricky because they might not appear on X-rays or other imaging tests. However, they can still cause significant pain and limit a person’s ability to work or enjoy daily activities.

The Long-Term Impact of Pedestrian Accident Injuries

It’s important to understand that the effects of a pedestrian accident don’t always end when the visible injuries heal. Many people experience long-lasting impacts:

  • Chronic Pain: Some injuries can lead to pain that continues for months or years after the accident.
  • Mobility Issues: Serious injuries might mean learning to walk again or using mobility aids.
  • Emotional Trauma: The shock of the accident can lead to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Financial Strain: Medical bills, lost income, and ongoing care can create serious money problems.

These long-term effects are why getting proper medical care and legal help after an accident is so important.

What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident

If you’ve suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident, there are important steps to take:

Get Medical Help

Your health comes first. Even if you feel okay, see a doctor. Some injuries don’t show up right away. A doctor can check for hidden problems and start treatment if needed.

Don’t skip this step, even if you’re “just a little sore.” Some serious injuries, like internal bleeding or head trauma, might not be obvious at first. Getting checked out protects your health and creates a medical record of your injuries, which can be important later.

Document Everything

Keep track of all your medical visits and treatments and how the injury affects your daily life. This information will be important later.

Here’s what you should try to document:

  • Medical records and bills
  • Photos of your injuries
  • A journal of your pain levels and daily challenges
  • Any work you’ve missed due to the injury

The more information you have, the easier it will be to show how the accident has affected you.

Be Careful What You Say

When talking to anyone about the accident, stick to the facts. Don’t say anything that might make it seem like the accident was your fault.

This is especially important when talking to:

Remember, anything you say can later influence your case. If you’re unsure what to say, telling people you must speak with a lawyer first is okay.

Call a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

A pedestrian accident lawyer can be a big help. They know the laws and can guide you through what to do next.

Many people worry about the cost of a lawyer, but most pedestrian accident lawyers offer free first consultations. This means you can get advice without any upfront cost. They can ensure you understand your rights and what steps to take next.

How a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Can Help

After a pedestrian accident, a lawyer can do many things to support you:

Understand Your Rights

Laws about pedestrian accidents can be confusing. A lawyer can explain your rights and what you can get help with.

Every state has different laws about:

  • How long you have to file a claim
  • What kinds of compensation can you ask for
  • How an accident determines liability

A pedestrian accident attorney who knows these laws can ensure you don’t miss any important deadlines or opportunities for help.

Deal with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often try to pay as little as possible. A lawyer can talk to them and fight for what they deserve.

Insurance adjusters might try to:

  • Get you to accept a quick, low settlement
  • Use your words against you
  • Deny your claim based on technicalities

A lawyer can handle all communications with insurance companies, protecting you from these tactics.

Gather Evidence

To show what happened in your accident, you need proof. A lawyer knows what evidence to look for and how to get it.

This might include:

  • Traffic camera footage
  • Witness statements
  • Professional testimony
  • Accident reconstruction reports

Gathering this evidence can be difficult for someone recovering from injuries, but a lawyer has the resources to do it effectively.

Calculate Your Damages

Woman kneeling on a crosswalk, assisting a fallen pedestrian near a car after an accident.

It’s hard to know how much your injury has cost you. A pedestrian accident attorney can calculate the full extent of the accident’s effects, including future costs.

They’ll look at things like:

Considering all these factors, a lawyer can ask for fair compensation.

Go to Court if Needed

If you can’t reach a fair deal, a pedestrian accident lawyer can take your case to court and argue before a judge.

While most cases settle out of court, sometimes a trial is necessary. If this happens, having a lawyer who knows how to present your case effectively in court can make a big difference.

What You Might Get Help With

If you win your case, you might get money to help with:

Medical Bills

This includes the cost of hospital stays, doctor visits, medicine, and any future medical care you might need.

Medical expenses often include:

  • Emergency room treatment
  • Surgery costs
  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Medical equipment (like wheelchairs or crutches)
  • Future medical procedures

A good settlement should cover your current bills and any expected future medical costs related to the accident.

Lost Income

If you miss work because of your injuries, you can get money to replace that lost income.

This can include:

  • Pay for work you’ve already missed
  • Future earnings if you can’t return to your job
  • Loss of benefits or promotions

Suppose your injuries impact your ability to work long-term. In that case, your lawyer can help calculate the value of your lost earning capacity and ensure you seek appropriate compensation for the income you’ll miss.

Pain and Suffering

This is money to make up for the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident.

While it’s hard to put a dollar value on pain, courts consider factors like:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • How long you can expect your recovery to take
  • The impact on your daily life
  • Any permanent effects of the injury

Your pedestrian accident attorney can help argue for fair compensation for these non-economic damages.

Rehabilitation Costs

This can include the need for physical therapy or other assistance to recover.

Gavel, stethoscope, and laptop on a desk, symbolizing the intersection of law and healthcare.

Rehabilitation might involve:

  • Physical therapy sessions
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy (for brain injuries)
  • Mental health counseling

These ongoing treatments are imperative for recovery and should be part of any settlement.

Speak with a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Being in a pedestrian accident is tough, but you don’t have to go through it alone. A personal injury lawyer in Tampa who knows about these kinds of cases can greatly help. They can answer your questions, protect your rights, and work to get you moving forward.

If you or someone you care about has suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident, consider talking to a lawyer soon. The sooner you get help, the better your chances of a good outcome. Remember, your health and your rights are important. Don’t let an accident stop you from getting the care and support you deserve.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure you recover—both physically and financially—from this unexpected event. A skilled pedestrian accident lawyer can be your guide and advocate through this challenging time, working to ensure you get the compensation and support you need to move forward with your life.

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