​Should I Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident That Was My Fault in Florida?

Car accidents are common in Florida and affect hundreds of people daily. They interrupt our lives and can cause serious injuries that result in medical bills, lost wages, and other financial hardships.

Sometimes, responsibility for a car accident seems clear-cut. Perhaps you were hit by a drunk driver going above the speed limit, or you were T-boned by someone who was texting and driving when their vehicle collided with yours. However, some cases are not so cut and dry, and determining fault may be a challenge requiring robust legal aid.

If you were recently involved in a car accident in Florida, you may be wondering, should I get a lawyer for an accident that was my fault in Florida? You may not be entirely clear about your liability share or legal options, and you need an experienced car accident attorney to answer your questions and guide you through the legal process.

Tampa car accident attorney to represent you, especially if you were at fault for your accident. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and options, deal with your insurance company and the other driver’s insurer, if necessary, and maximize the outcome of your situation.

Read on to learn more about some challenges you may encounter after a car crash and how a qualified car accident attorney can help your car accident case. If you’ve suffered injuries in a serious car accident or even a minor car accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to an attorney near you for a free consultation.

Common car accident injuries can rip your life apart. Car accident cases can change your life. An experienced personal injury attorney gets you compensated for future medical expenses from an auto accident, helps with insurance claims, talks to insurance providers, and assists your financial recovery.

Is Florida a No-Fault State?

Like a handful of states, Florida is a no-fault car accident state. This means that two drivers involved in a car accident must file claims with their respective insurance companies. Florida’s legislators created these no-fault laws to ensure that all injured drivers can obtain medical treatment for their injuries easier.

Instead of being required to file a claim and argue for compensation through the courts, injured drivers can rest easier knowing that their medical costs and other expenses are covered.

Our car accident lawyers are adept at helping injured claimants like you recover compensation this way.

Although this system is designed to help accident victims, insurance companies will often try to reduce your payout, leaving you financially vulnerable. A car accident lawyer will work to help you navigate the process with your own insurance company.

What are Restricted Claims?

Another benefit of Florida’s no-fault laws is that they restrict an accident victim’s ability to file claims for other damages related to the crash. For example, an injured driver’s ability to pursue compensation for pain and suffering through a car accident claim is limited. Drivers who want compensation for pain and suffering must meet an injury threshold to be eligible to file a claim.

Serious Injury Threshold

Florida uses this injury threshold to determine whether a driver can file a car accident claim.

Florida law defines a serious injury as one that:

  • Causes a substantial or permanent loss of an important bodily function
  • Is permanent within the reasonable medical guidelines
  • Causes severe or permanent disfigurement
  • Results in death

If an injury qualifies under one or several of these factors, victims have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other party responsible for the accident and vice versa. The other driver who endured severe injuries from your accident has the right to file a lawsuit against you to receive compensation for severe injuries. Fortunately, your insurance policy can cover the full extent of the other driver’s injuries and losses.

​Should I Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident That Was My Fault in FloridaPersonal Injury Protection (PIP)

To ensure coverage for all injuries from a car accident for each driver, Florida drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Personal injury protection coverage is a coverage that drivers can use to cover any medical expenses related to their accident or any wages lost from their accident.

Every driver has to carry a minimum of $10,000 coverage for their policy.

One of the most significant benefits of this insurance policy is that it provides coverage for each policyholder, regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

However, some limits are associated with this policy. As stated, PIP coverage only covers up to $10,000 of your medical expenses and lost wages. PIP may not pay any medical bills that exceed that limit. Victims can only receive coverage for up to that specific limit.

Serious Injuries

This coverage may be acceptable for drivers with minor or moderate injuries. However, if your injuries are catastrophic, PIP coverage will not be enough to cover the full extent of these injuries. PIP coverage can only cover at least 80 percent of a policyholder’s injuries. Catastrophic injury victims settle claims for an average amount between $20,000 and $75,000.

You must consider filing a personal injury lawsuit or exploring other insurance policies to receive full compensation for your catastrophic injury.

Bodily Injury Liability

Other insurance policies can provide additional coverage for your injuries. One of those insurance policies is bodily injury liability. This insurance policy can pay for the damages you caused the other driver.

This insurance policy helps if the other driver files a claim against you for additional compensation. The only issue is that this type of coverage is not mandatory, unlike personal injury protection.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

What if the other driver involved in your accident is not insured or underinsured? Perhaps the other party fled the accident scene. There is an insurance policy that can provide coverage for these scenarios. Uninsured motorist coverage can cover damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver.

Drivers with insurance policies who do not carry enough damage coverage can take advantage of this insurance policy. However, this type of coverage is also optional.

Property Damage Claims

In addition to personal injury protection coverage, Florida drivers must carry property damage liability insurance. This insurance policy covers up to $10,000 in property damage, like PIP coverage. However, Florida drivers can file a claim for any property damage resulting in a vehicle’s loss. The no-fault laws do not apply to property damage claims.

Protecting Yourself Legally

Although you live in a no-fault state, there are certain legal precautions you want to take when dealing with insurance companies. Do not leave the scene, and ensure you cooperate with law enforcement in the immediate aftermath of the crash. Take pictures and detailed notes about the scene of the accident if you’re able to.

It’s also important to seek medical attention right away, as this is not only vital for your health and safety but also the strength of your car accident claim. Many people avoid seeking treatment after an accident, not knowing that the adrenaline rush may be masking silent but serious injuries.

Even if you are responsible for a car accident, you do not want to admit fault to an insurance adjuster. Contacting a lawyer and refraining from doing anything that may be used against you are two paramount steps you can take to protect yourself after an accident. Remember, you’re not obligated to speak to the other driver’s insurance company, even if you had a share of fault in an accident.

Even when you have been declared the at-fault driver of your accident, you can still seek compensation for your injuries. However, insurance companies hope you are unaware of your legal rights regarding your insurance policies. Many drivers may not know that fault does not result from consideration of evidence like police reports.

It ultimately gets determined by the negotiation process between you and insurance companies or the courts. That is why seeking legal counsel from a lawyer is essential.

Statute of Limitations

The other driver in your accident has a specific period to file a personal injury claim against you, called the statute of limitations. For car accident victims, the statute of limitations is two years from the accident to file a claim and recover compensation.

Lack of Coverage

Another reason you will benefit from hiring a lawyer is if the insurance company does not want to cover the costs of your accident. Insurance companies can refuse coverage for a policyholder’s accident for legitimate reasons.

Insurance companies will decide not to cover your accident to avoid paying for the other driver’s claim. You will be liable for the other driver’s compensation when this happens. Consulting with a lawyer will help you either avoid being placed in this predicament or prepare you for the next steps.

Legal Protection With The Help of A Car Accident AttorneyGavel and wooden car figure on a book, symbolizing the need for legal advice after an accident.

If you are the at-fault driver of an accident, you have the right to be represented by an experienced lawyer who can protect your legal rights. Having a lawyer can help you take full advantage of your legal protections and decrease your risk.

Negotiating Your Coverage

A personal injury lawyer can help review your insurance policy and determine how other forms of coverage might work in your policy. Insurance companies use specific terms and phrases to confuse their policyholders. An experienced lawyer can review your policy and determine the total coverage you deserve.

Seeking a Settlement

Another way that a lawyer can assist you is by negotiating a fair settlement agreement on your behalf. One of the ways that an insurance company will try to resolve a car accident claim is by offering a settlement agreement.

A settlement agreement is a mutual agreement between you, your insurance company, and the other driver to pay a specific amount in compensation. The other driver accepts this settlement offer in exchange for waiving the right to pursue legal action against you in the future. Once the other driver accepts a settlement offer, they can no longer file a lawsuit against you.

Benefits of Settlements

A car accident settlement benefits not only you, but the other driver. The other driver can receive compensation for their accident in a faster time frame than if they decided to take their claim to trial.

One of your most significant benefits is that the other driver no longer has the right to file a lawsuit against you once you agree to a settlement. You and the other driver can move on from the accident once the settlement offer is accepted.

Negotiations Process

Before accepting the settlement, you and the other driver will have the ability to negotiate the amount of compensation. This process is where your lawyer comes in. Your lawyer can negotiate against the other driver’s lawyer and the insurance company. Lawyers have experience in the negotiation process and will convince the other parties involved to reach a mutual agreement that benefits you.

Damages Covered

Some of the damages covered through a settlement agreement include:

  • Medical expenses. Medical expenses include surgeries, injections, pain medications, ambulance rides, and routine doctor visits. The settlement may cover medical costs if they result from a car accident.
  • Lost income. Drivers who have to miss time from work due to their accident can receive compensation through their settlement offer. This loss includes time off from work taken to rehabilitate from any surgeries or medical testing.
  • Replacement services. This damage includes any household tasks that the driver’s injuries have impacted. Drivers can include the costs of any housekeeping services as damage through their settlement offer.
  • Burial costs. When a loved one has died from a car accident, the driver’s survivors or their estate can file a wrongful death claim and include burial costs in the lawsuit.

Establishing Liability After a Car Accident

Even if you think you did something wrong to cause an accident, you might not be 100 percent at fault. The other driver might also share some liability, so you always want a car accident lawyer to evaluate the cause of your crash. If another driver was partially responsible, their insurance might cover serious injuries.

Even if you are at fault for a crash, you want legal help for your PIP claim. If your insurance company does not want to cover the costs of your accident, a skilled lawyer can review your policy and convince the adjusters to keep their end of the bargain.

When you pay the monthly premium on your insurance policy, that indicates that you have kept your end of the contract between you and the insurance company. When the insurance company fails to maintain its end of the bargain, that is a violation known as bad faith practices.

Your lawyer can review your insurance policy and ensure that your accident meets the following requirements to be covered. Afterward, your lawyer can convince the insurance company to cover the accident or explore other legal options for you. Unless your accident was extremely egregious, there is no reason why an insurance company will not provide coverage for you.

Your lawyer can review your insurance policy and ensure that your accident meets the following requirements to be covered. Afterward, your lawyer can convince the insurance company to cover the accident or explore other legal options for you. Unless your accident was extremely egregious, there is no reason why an insurance company will not provide coverage for you.

Car Accident Attorney
Bill Bowles, Personal Injury Attorney

Consult a Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you were involved in a car accident in Florida, you have legal options. Contact a lawyer who knows about the no-fault laws and how insurance companies work.

Depending on the nature of your accident, you may have the opportunity to pursue compensation for your injuries from your PIP coverage or another driver’s policy if they share the fault. Speaking with a qualified lawyer can help bring the sense of clarity you need to succeed in your car accident claim.

September 30, 2024
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“Boohoff Law definitely stands behind integrity. Tatiana is not only a fantastic attorney in her expertise, she’s also down-to-earth – truly a people person.”
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“Really pleased with Boohoff Law! Received immediate responses when I had any questions. Treated amazingly by all staff … made this process a true breeze!”

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