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Seattle Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Many people in Seattle enjoy riding motorcycles. Whether you ride a motorcycle as your primary means of travel or purely for recreation, you undoubtedly know the risks you face on the road and how motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident in Seattle, you may be eligible for compensation. An experienced Seattle Motorcycle accident lawyer from Boohoff Law P.A. can help you understand your legal options.

Contact us today – call (877) 999-9999 or email us. We’re available 24/7!

Why Are Motorcycle Accidents So Dangerous?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the federal government estimated in 2016 that motorcycle riders are about 24 times more likely to die in an accident than the occupants of passenger cars.

About one in every five motorcycle crashes in Washington State results in a serious injury, and about 75 motorcyclists die each year on Washington roads. There are several reasons why motorcycle accidents are so dangerous, including:

  • Less protection than a car: Motorcycles lack the occupant protection characteristics of a car, such as door beams, a roof, seat belts, and airbags.
  • Less stability: Motorcycles, with just two wheels, are less stable than cars, meaning that there is an increased risk of accidents caused by road hazards such as potholes, uneven lanes, or slick conditions.
  • Less visibility: The drivers of passenger cars or commercial vehicles have a hard time seeing motorcycles, particularly at night, leading to accidents caused by cars turning into the motorcycle or into its path.
  • Lane splitting: This dangerous practice involves a motorcycle riding between and within the same lane as cars that are slowed or stopped due to traffic. In spite of bills introduced by state lawmakers in recent years that are in favor of allowing the practice, lane splitting is illegal in Washington as well as most of the country.
  • Lack of training or licensing: As reported by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, about 75 percent of the state’s fatal motorcycle crash victims had no record of a training program completion. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently reported that 27 percent of motorcyclists killed in crashes in one year were riding without valid motorcycle licenses.

In Washington, you need a motorcycle endorsement to ride a two-wheeled motorcycle. This can be accomplished by completing a motorcycle training course at an approved motorcycle training school or by taking and passing the knowledge and riding skills tests at a motorcycle training school.

Riders in Washington can also get an instruction permit and pass a knowledge test in order to obtain the motorcycle endorsement on their license.

We will get you through this.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you deserve a champion who will fight by your side with compassion and skill. Our team of accessible Seattle personal injury attorneys and legal experts will take on the insurance companies and legal system to get you the outcome you deserve.

Find out what your case is worth.

Your insurance company may not be telling you everything. Know what you’re entitled to with a free consultation. Rest assured that we will never charge any fees unless we win.

What Are the Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Just as there are a number of causes for car accidents, there are also a number of causes for motorcycle accidents.

Here is a look at a few of those causes.

  • Driver Inattention: Distracted driving, such as texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting the radio, can lead to accidents if a driver fails to notice a motorcyclist.
  • Failure to Yield: Drivers may fail to yield the right of way to motorcyclists at intersections or when merging onto highways.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed increases the severity of accidents and reduces the time available to react to changing road conditions.
  • Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs a motorist’s ability to operate a vehicle safely, increasing the risk of accidents involving motorcycles.
  • Failure to Obey Traffic Signals: Ignoring traffic signals, stop signs, or other road signs can lead to collisions between motorcycles and other vehicles.
  • Unsafe Lane Changes: Drivers may fail to check blind spots before changing lanes, leading to collisions with motorcyclists.
  • Poor Road Conditions: Potholes, uneven road surfaces, debris, and poorly maintained roads can be hazardous for motorcyclists, causing loss of control or accidents.
  • Weather Conditions: Slippery roads due to rain, snow, or ice can make it challenging for motorcyclists to maintain control.
  • Vehicle Defects: Mechanical issues or defects in motorcycles, such as brake failures or tire blowouts, can contribute to accidents.
  • Left-Turn Accidents: Accidents frequently occur when a car makes a left turn in front of an oncoming motorcycle at an intersection.
  • Car Doors Opening: Motorcyclists may be at risk when car doors suddenly open, especially in urban areas with parallel parking.

To reduce the risk of motorcycle accidents, both motorcyclists and other drivers should practice safe and attentive driving behaviors, follow traffic laws, and be mindful of their surroundings. Increased awareness and education can contribute to safer road conditions for all users.

The Seattle Area Is a Popular Place for Motorcyclists

Sometimes, motorcyclists want to escape the city and get out onto the open road. Seattle has many scenic routes that motorcyclists can enjoy, including:

  • The Highway 101 loop around the Olympic Peninsula
  • The Cascade Loop, beginning from I-5 in Seattle
  • The Leavenworth Day Ride, which is a smaller part of the Cascade Loop
  • Mt. Rainier, which is the most common long motorcycle trip
  • Highway 14, along the Columbia River Gorge

While these are enjoyable routes to ride, our team of Seattle motorcycle accident lawyers at Boohoff Law knows that motorcycle accidents and injuries can happen anywhere — and when you least expect them. We are ready to help if an injury happens to you.

Careless Actions Have Serious Consequences

Any single one of these actions, or a combination of several, can have serious consequences for motorcyclists. Cars have safety advantages over motorcycles, with such features as seatbelts, airbags, and a roof.

Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

Part of what makes motorcycles so enticing is the openness and freedom that riding a bike provides riders. Protective gear can only do so much when a motorcycle is hit by a heavy vehicle, whether passenger or commercial. Riders are usually ejected from their bikes, and the consequences depend upon the force of the impact.

Drivers of private cars and commercial vehicles may walk away from an accident unscathed. However, the same cannot be said for motorcyclists, who likely flew off their bikes and collided with the ground or asphalt. When motorists choose to drink and drive or text a friend from behind the wheel, their actions are reckless and negligent.

No one should suffer physically, financially, or emotionally due to the selfish and irresponsible decisions of another driver. In our hurried, high-tech world, drivers no longer prioritize safe driving and sharing the roads with other vehicle types and pedestrians.

Despite attempts by governmental officials to encourage safe driving, drivers continue to speed, text, and drink and drive. This type of risky behavior either qualifies as negligence on its own or leads to negligent behavior. Serious motorcycle accidents alter the lives of all individuals involved, but mostly the rider who suffers serious injury in the accident.

If you’ve experienced serious injuries in a collision with a passenger or commercial vehicle, contact the Seattle motorcycle accident attorneys at Boohoff Law, P.A. today. Depending upon the circumstances of your case, you may recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our legal team will fight for you every step of the way to help you obtain the fair compensation you deserve.

Common Motorcycle-Related Injuries

Motorcycle accidents can result in a range of injuries, and due to the limited protection provided by motorcycles compared to other vehicles, these injuries can be more severe. Common motorcycle-related injuries include:

  • Road Rash: Road rash occurs when a rider’s skin makes contact with the road during a crash, resulting in abrasions and friction burns. It can range from mild to severe, depending on the speed and nature of the accident.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: Motorcycle accidents often lead to fractures and broken bones, with the legs, arms, and collarbones being particularly vulnerable.
  • Head Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur if a rider’s head makes contact with the ground or another object during a crash. Wearing a helmet significantly reduces the risk and severity of head injuries.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Injuries to the spinal cord can result in paralysis or loss of motor function. The severity of spinal cord injuries can vary based on the location and extent of the damage.
  • Internal Injuries: Impact from a motorcycle accident can cause internal injuries, such as damage to organs, internal bleeding, or injuries to the chest and abdomen.
  • Muscle and Ligament Injuries: Strains, sprains, and tears to muscles and ligaments are common, particularly in the neck, back, and extremities.
  • Facial Injuries: Facial injuries, including fractures, lacerations, and dental injuries, can occur if a rider’s face makes contact with the ground or another object.
  • Amputations: The force of impact in a motorcycle crash can lead to severe limb injuries, sometimes necessitating amputation.
  • Burn Injuries: If a motorcycle catches fire during or after a crash, riders may suffer burn injuries. Also, a motorcycle rider can suffer burn injuries from contacting the hot exhaust pipes or engine components. These injuries can be severe and may require extensive medical treatment.
  • Psychological Injuries: Along with physical injuries, motorcycle crashes can have lasting psychological effects, leading to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression.
  • Fatal Injuries: Unfortunately, some motorcycle accidents result in fatal injuries. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable, and the lack of protective barriers increases the risk of fatal outcomes.

It’s important for motorcyclists to wear appropriate protective gear, including helmets, jackets, gloves, and boots, to reduce the risk and severity of injuries in the event of an accident. Additionally, both motorcyclists and other drivers should adhere to traffic laws and exercise caution on the road to prevent accidents.

Recovering Compensation After a Seattle Motorcycle Accident

Those who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident in Washington have three options when seeking compensation for their injuries:

  1. File a claim with your own insurance, if you have a policy that covers personal injury and damage to your vehicle.
  2. File a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance. Be aware that insurance carriers are often reluctant to offer a fair settlement. An experienced Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer can help you determine the value of your claim and negotiate a settlement that recognizes both your current expenses as well as those you will face in the future due to your injuries. Once you’ve signed a settlement agreement with the insurance company, you’re likely not going to be able to go back and ask for more money in the future, so it’s important to have a clear idea of the compensation you’ll need before agreeing to a specific amount.

  3. File a personal injury lawsuit in order to recover damages from the at-fault party.

Here are some more highlights regarding personal injury lawsuits:

  • The statute of limitation on personal injury lawsuits is three years from the date of the injury.
  • Washington is a “pure comparative negligence state.” What this means is that if you were partially to blame for the accident, you can still seek to recover damages from the other party. However, your award will be reduced to reflect your percentage of responsibility. For example, if you were found to be 10 percent responsible for causing the accident, your damage award will be reduced by 10 percent.
  • Washington motorcycle accident victims may be able to recover both economic and non-economic damages through a personal injury lawsuit, including current and future medical bills, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive from a Seattle Motorcycle Accident Claim?

If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident in Seattle and you can demonstrate that another party’s negligence caused the accident, you may be eligible for various types of compensation. The specific details of your case will influence the types and amount of compensation you can seek. Common types of compensation in a Seattle motorcycle accident claim include:

Medical Expenses

Compensation for past, current, and future medical expenses related to the accident, including hospital bills, surgeries, doctor visits, medications, rehabilitation, and other necessary medical treatments.

Lost Wages

If your injuries result in missed workdays or a reduced ability to earn income, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can include both current and future income losses.

Property Damage

Compensation for the repair or replacement of your motorcycle and any other personal property damaged in the accident.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damages, such as physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, may be considered when determining compensation. These damages are more subjective and depend on the circumstances of the case.

Disability or Disfigurement

Compensation for long-term disability or disfigurement resulting from the motorcycle accident.

Loss of Consortium

In some cases, a spouse may be eligible for compensation due to the loss of companionship, support, or services resulting from the injured party’s injuries.

Wrongful Death Damages

If the motorcycle accident results in a fatality, surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and the emotional impact of the loss.

Legal Fees

In personal injury cases, legal fees are often contingent on the attorney’s ability to secure a settlement or judgment. These fees are typically a percentage of the compensation obtained on your behalf.

It’s important to note that Washington is a comparative negligence state. This means that if you are found partially at fault for the accident, your compensation may be reduced proportionally. Seeking the assistance of a skilled personal injury attorney in Seattle can help you navigate the legal process, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies to pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Dealing with the Insurance Company after a Seattle Motorcycle Accident?

If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident, you’re going to be dealing with an insurance company. It’s only natural to assume that said insurance company will proceed to do its job and cover the losses you’ve endured in their totality as a matter of course.

This assumption, however, is not likely to serve you well. Massive insurance companies are in the business of turning massive profits, and the way they can manage this is by minimizing their payouts and even denying claims outright.

Keeping all of the following points in mind is in the best interest of both you and your motorcycle accident case:

  • You are not required to provide the insurance rep with a statement about your accident and you should not do so. Instead, call us. If we take your case, we will handle all communications with the insurance company.
  • The insurance representative who contacts you is well-versed in eliciting statements from injured parties that inadvertently diminish the veracity of their claims (whether there is any truth to the matter or not). Refer the insurance rep to your experienced Seattle motorcycle accident attorney, who will negotiate on behalf of your rights and best interests while providing the insurance company with the information required.
  • If you receive an early settlement offer, it’s very likely intended to get rid of your claim before you recognize the full extent of your damages and the ramifications of your motorcycle accident. Your compensation is simply far too important to leave to chance or the insurance company’s discretion don’t accept a settlement offer until your motorcycle accident attorney has greenlighted it for you.
  • If the insurance company is delaying the claims process, which is a not-uncommon practice, it’s likely an attempt to get you to settle for a lowball amount as a result of your building desperation. You need to be properly compensated for your losses to move forward with your life, and by keeping that compensation outside of your reach, the insurance company knows that it has considerable leverage. Don’t be fooled instead, discuss legal options that can help you stay the course with your skilled motorcycle accident attorney.
  • Although the vast majority of motorcycle accident claims are settled out of court, it is sometimes necessary to move forward with filing a lawsuit and even proceeding to court to help ensure that you receive the compensation to which you are entitled and that you need to regain your health and move forward post-accident.

In other words, the insurance company is not on your side at least not fully but your experienced Seattle motorcycle accident attorney is. Working closely with him or her is always in the best interest of you and your case.

Seattle Personal Injury Attorneys

Boohoff Law Seattle Office

2200 6th Avenue, Suite 768 Seattle,
WA 98121

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Motorcycle Accident FAQs

What is the first step I should take after being injured in a Seattle motorcycle accident?

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident that someone else’s negligence caused, you have plenty to deal with and may not know how best to proceed. The first order of business, however, isn’t complicated at all.

After you’ve obtained the medical attention you need, seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer.

Obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled is critical to your ability to reach your most complete recovery, and the dedicated motorcycle accident attorneys at Boohoff Law in Seattle are committed to helping you do just that.

How dangerous are Seattle motorcycle accidents?

Motorcycle accidents are often dangerous. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shares that, although there was nearly a five percent decrease in motorcycle accident fatalities in recent years, the number for that year reached almost 5,000, and motorcyclists remain overrepresented in deadly traffic accidents.

Do I really need an attorney for my Seattle motorcycle accident case?

Yes. There are many important reasons why working with an experienced Seattle motorcycle accident attorney is not only a sound financial move but can also take some of the load off you at this difficult time. For one, bringing a successful motorcycle claim that adequately reflects your damages requires a significant amount of paperwork and legwork, including gathering evidence at the scene of the accident, taking eyewitness statements, providing the insurance company with the prompt verifications it requires, and much more. Your motorcycle accident attorney will skillfully tend to this important component of your claim.

Secondly, even though the insurance representative you’re working with strikes you as very reasonable, do not mistakenly believe they have your best interests at heart. As stated above, insurance companies are businesses that seek to maximize profits by reducing or denying claims. An attorney can fight to protect your rights and interests and increase your chances of getting the maximum compensation you need.

The dedicated motorcycle accident lawyers at Boohoff Law in Seattle are committed to effecting your claim’s most favorable resolution, and we won’t charge you anything until we win your case, and you are compensated accordingly. In other words, our payment is contingent upon your case’s success, so you don’t need to worry about legal expenses as your case progresses.

How much does it cost to hire a Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer?

Most personal injury lawyers, such as those at Boohoff Law, work on a contingency fee basis. This means we charge you nothing upfront to represent you, and we will only accept a fee if we recover compensation for you through an insurance settlement or court award. This arrangement allows you to obtain the quality, effective legal representation you need without having to worry how to pay for it. If we are unable to obtain compensation for you, you owe us nothing.

Were You Injured in a Motorcycle Crash? Let Us Help

Boohoff Law P.A.
Tatiana Boohoff, Seattle, WA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Washington, you are likely facing a long recovery from injuries.

Pursuing a fair settlement or an award from a lawsuit can be a complicated legal process.

The experienced Seattle motorcycle accident lawyers understand this process and all of the necessary parts of it, including the valuation of your case, negotiation with insurance companies, court filing deadlines, and aggressive courtroom representation.

You don’t have to fight this battle alone. Let us help. For a free consultation and case evaluation, contact Boohoff Law online or by calling (877) 999-9999.

Client Testimonial

“Never needed an attorney till I got rear-ended. Boohoff Law was able to negotiate my medical bills and settle a claim without contact with insurance companies. I felt they truly cared about my well-being and I will definitely refer them to everyone I know that needs their services.” – Audrey

Review: 5/5 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Boohoff Law P.A.
Seattle Location
2200 6th Avenue,
Suite 768 Seattle,
WA 98121
(877) 999-9999

Our process.

A personal touch backed by big results.
  • 1. Understanding your options
    From your first call, our team takes the time to listen and learn your unique situation. We’ll walk you through the factors that will increase the value of your claim and help you mitigate risks. Above all, we help you envision a personalized path forward.
  • 2. Connecting with your attorney
    You will know within 1-2 days if our team can help. Your personal attorney and legal team will guide you through what to expect, ensuring you’re always informed about what’s going on. You will stay in control as an included member of the team working on your case.
  • 3. Supporting documentation
    Our diligent legal team will work with you to make sure all the necessary documentation is complete. This includes insurance policy details, medical records, medical and repair bills, and lost wages.
  • 4. Formulating a winning plan
    We’ll assess your case every detail, every angle as we fight for the outcome you deserve. We roll up our sleeves and bring an unrelenting commitment and proven track record to formulate a winning game plan, keeping you clearly informed along the way.
  • 5. Negotiation and litigation
    We are relentless in pursuing what’s right. We work with toughness and resilience as we negotiate directly with the defense to obtain the compensation you deserve. In cases that demand a court trial, our attorneys are expert personal injury litigators with the talent to maximize policy volumes and outcomes.

Recovery is personal.

We recover millions for our clients every month, but we know that every case is different and that recovery is personal.
“Boohoff Law definitely stands behind integrity. Tatiana is not only a fantastic attorney in her expertise, she’s also down-to-earth – truly a people person.”
– Elissa M.
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“Really pleased with Boohoff Law! Received immediate responses when I had any questions. Treated amazingly by all staff … made this process a true breeze!”
– Caitlyn M.
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“Everyone here is so helpful. They jumped through every hoop necessary to get me the settlement I rightfully deserved. They made me feel right at home.”
– Brandy K.

You're better off with Boohoff.