How Much Does A Dog Bite Lawsuit Cost

Suffering a dog bite can be traumatic; what might seem like a minor injury at first can become costly in the future. The emotional aftermath of the attack can also be troubling, and you may even develop signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. If a dog owner’s pet hurts you, they are responsible for your injuries and any additional damages you’ve sustained.

The best way to approach a dog bite injury lawsuit is by consulting with an experienced, dog bite lawyer. Having a lawyer represent you can increase the value of your claim and give you a fair chance at receiving full compensation. Read on to discover how much a dog bite injury lawsuit can cost.

What Should I Do After A Dog Bites Me?

If a dog bit you, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. It is easy to underestimate the extent of your injuries and write the incident off as an accident; however, you can never be sure how severe the damages are until you seek the opinion of a medical professional. Dog’s mouths contain tons of bacteria which can lead to a severe infection.

Additionally, if you are unsure who the dog’s owner is, you should get a rabies shot as soon as possible. Treating your wound after a dog bite and recovering should be your top priority.

Who Should I Contact After A Dog Bite Injury?

With many of these types of accidents occurring in the home, victims of dog bite injuries are often family members. Young children and elderly individuals are the most susceptible to dog bite injury. After a dog has bitten you, you should go to the emergency room where a physician can treat and properly document your injuries.

Taking pictures of your injuries right after the accident will show an insurance adjuster or jury the severity of your wound. By the time you go to trial or settle your case, your wound can heal and make it difficult for you to prove your claims.

Contacting the local authorities or animal control after a dog bite injury is another way to document evidence in your case. While this may be the last thing on your mind after suffering a dog bite injury, it is crucial to building a successful case. If you were the victim of a dog bite injury, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries from the dog’s owner.

What Type of Damages Are Available in Dog Bite Injury Cases?

Insurance adjusters understand that the companies they work for are in the business of turning a profit, which is why the initial settlement they offer is often low and wouldn’t even begin to cover the full cost of your injuries. Avoiding this is as simple as seeking help from a knowledgeable legal professional.

Here are some examples of damages available in dog bite injury cases:

  • Lost income
  • Punitive damages
  • Pain and emotional suffering
  • Medical costs, including physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Other applicable non-economic damages

Victims who suffer from pre-existing conditions may require additional compensation if a dog bite injury worsens their state of health at the time of the accident. For instance, if a dog bites an elderly person with back problems and in an attempt to get away from the dog falls further, injuring their spine, the dog’s owner is held responsible for all costs related to hospital services, medicine, or physical therapy.

Hiring a dog bite injury lawyer can give your case the best chance at a successful outcome. Attempting to settle your case without proper representation can be disastrous. Insurance companies train their adjuster to fiercely negotiate with accident victims and pressure them into quickly settling their claim. You can accept a settlement before realizing the full extent of your injuries, which can leave you with several unexpected medical expenses. Our lawyers can gather evidence on your behalf, speak to insurance adjusters, and file your claim on time.

Suffering From a Dog Bite Injury? Contact Us Today

Litigating a dog bite injury case requires experience, so never attempt to represent yourself. Instead, put your trust in one of our skilled and compassionate dog bite injury lawyers who are ready to see that the legal system serves justice in your case. Call our office or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation.

Dog Bite Injury FAQs

#1. How can I call and report my dog bite injury?

Suffering a dog bite can leave you with some confusion in the aftermath of the incident. The best way to report a dog bite is by searching animal control facilities in the county and city where the accident occurred. Seeking medical attention right after the accident is an essential part of recovering. Additionally, documenting your injuries is a great way to build evidence for your case.

#2. Can I recover lost wages after taking time off to recover from a dog bite injury?

If you are recovering from a serious dog bite injury and must take time off work to recover, you deserve reimbursement for all lost wages.

#3. What are exemplary damages in dog bite injury cases?

In cases where a dog owner’s behavior is incredibly reckless, you may stand to receive exemplary damages. Courts award exemplary damages to dissuade others from similar behavior. Courts award these types of damages in rare cases where they hope to make an example of the defendant’s conduct.

#4. What does strict liability refer to in dog bite injury cases?

Under the strict liability statute, the law holds dog owners entirely liable if their dog causes harm or inflicts injury to another person. However, there are unique situations where landlords or other parties can be held responsible.

#5. How do I know if I have a case?

If a dog bite caused injuries or damage to your personal property, you have a case. Because every case is unique, it is almost impossible to determine what your dog bite injury claim may be worth. To determine if you have a case worth pursuing, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. Most dog bite lawyers offer free consultations, which means you have nothing to lose by seeking some advice.

November 2, 2021
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