Brandon Construction Accident Lawyer

We know the risk you take as a construction worker to perform your job to the best of your ability, despite being constantly exposed to dangerous hazards. If you or a loved one were involved in a construction accident that the owner could have prevented, you need a fighter in your corner willing to take the right combination of compassion and skill and fight for your compensation. Our Brandon personal injury lawyers will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you receive the proper compensation for your losses. 

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Construction Accident

Why Boohoff Law Can Make a Difference in Your Construction Accident Case

Attorney Tatiana Boohoff has spent more than a decade advocating for the rights of people who have suffered injuries on a construction site. Our Brandon construction accident lawyer understands how stressful life gets after an injury. We will fight for your right to compensation.

Attorney Boohoff relocated her law practice to the Sunshine State, bringing her strong reputation as a determined personal injury attorney with her. She holds negligent parties accountable for their actions so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Attorney Boohoff graduated from Boston University School of Law, one of the top-ranked legal programs in the country. Boohoff Law continues to focus its efforts on helping injured victims of Brandon, Florida, construction accidents obtain the compensation they deserve. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Common Construction Site Hazards

Construction companies have the same obligations to their workers as other employers in the United States. Construction companies must supply construction workers with a safe working environment. When construction companies fail to provide a safe working environment for their workers, they commit federal violations.

Some of the common hazards that construction companies allow to happen on construction sites include:

  • Failure to provide adequate fall protection. Falls are one of the leading construction accidents. Construction companies can prevent falls on construction sites by supplying workers with fall protection. Workers can use tools like harnesses that can keep them from falling from the sides of buildings.
  • Improper labeling of hazardous materials. Construction companies can expose workers to toxic chemicals by incorrectly labeling hazardous materials. The law requires construction companies to label all chemical containers correctly. If construction workers do not know which hazardous chemicals are in the containers, they can incorrectly store the chemicals in the wrong environment, causing explosions and fires.
  • Failure to provide respiratory equipment. Construction companies can also expose workers to several respiratory problems when exposed to toxic materials on the construction site. Workers commonly exposed to dangerous chemicals can experience respiratory issues like asthma and COPD.
  • Unsafe ladders. Construction companies can take the time to train workers on how to use construction ladders properly. Even more critical, construction companies need to provide safe ladders on construction sites for workers to use. Construction workers who fall from ladders can suffer severe injury and even instant death from falling.
  • Faulty electrical systems. Another common construction accident is electrocution. When construction companies expose workers to faulty electrical systems, workers are in danger of being exposed to electrical wires and faulty power lines. Construction workers can suffer severe damage like burns and internal bleeding.

Psychological Effects of Construction Accidents

Construction workers are not only at risk of suffering from the physical consequences of construction accidents. Injured construction workers can suffer severe psychological effects after witnessing or becoming involved in an accident.

Some of the psychological effects include anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. In serious cases, construction workers can experience suicidal ideations. The number of construction workers committing suicide has been increasing year after year.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida

If construction workers are injured in construction accidents while working, they can receive workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits are financial compensation for injured workers who cannot return to work due to their injuries from a workplace accident.

Injured workers rely on workers’ compensation benefits to help pay their expenses while recovering. Medical expenses and lost wages are forms of compensation covered through workers’ compensation benefits.

Third-Party Liability Claims in Florida

Another way that negligent parties can be held liable for the injuries from a construction accident is through third-party claims. Construction companies may not be the only parties responsible for a construction accident. Based on the circumstances of a construction accident, other parties can be held liable for injured construction workers’ injuries.

A third-party claim is a claim that injured workers can file against multiple negligent parties like property owners. Other parties who are partially or totally at fault for construction accidents can be held liable through this claim.

Start Working With Our Brandon Construction Accident Lawyers Today

Construction accidents are often severe and fatal. These preventable accidents can cause workers to suffer from permanent and traumatic injuries. Recovering from a construction accident may be impossible. Construction workers may have to realize that they cannot return to their old position.

Even if you are fortunate to heal physically from the accident, the emotional scars will last longer than the physical ones. At Boohoff Law, we understand the risks you or your loved one have taken while working in the construction industry. The road to recovery is the main priority for you and your family. The last thing you may want to consider is seeking the help of a skilled construction accident lawyer. However, we encourage you to seek legal assistance as soon as possible for your construction accident claim.

Seeking the help of a Brandon construction accident lawyer will bring much-needed relief to you and your family. You need a fighter in the legal world who has your or your loved one’s best interest at heart. Construction companies and other negligent parties will take advantage of your vulnerable state. Your employer may attempt to deny your workers’ compensation claim.

Our experienced Brandon construction accident lawyers can help fight against these negligent parties and negotiate on your behalf. While you and your family are focusing on healing, your construction accident lawyer can take the reins over and fight for the compensation that you deserve. Our Brandon construction accident lawyers know how to fight back against the tactics that insurance companies will use to refuse your claim.

Call Boohoff Law Brandon Construction Accident Lawyers Now

Construction accidents produce some of the most severe and tragic injuries for workers. The team at Boohoff Law knows the risks that you and your family have taken to work in the construction industry. We ask you to avoid further risk and work with our skilled Brandon construction accident lawyers to fight for your compensation.

If you suffered an injury on a construction site in Brandon, Florida, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced attorney. Call our office at (813) 321-7878, or complete our contact form for your free consultation today.

Brandon Office Location:

330 Pauls Drive, Suite 222
Brandon, FL 33511

(813) 536-6172

Brandon Construction Accident FAQs​ 

What Happens During a Construction Accident?
What Does OSHA Mean?
How Much Is My Construction Accident Claim Worth?
What Are the Four Major Causes of Construction Accidents?
Who Can I Hold Responsible for a Construction Accident?
What Should I Do After a Construction Accident?
Can I File a Third-Party Claim Even if I am Collecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Do I Need a Construction Accident Lawyer if I Plan on Accepting Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
What Is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a Construction Accident Claim?

You're better off with Boohoff.