Angela Harlan

HR Manager

Angela Harlan

With almost two decades of employee relations experience, Angela Harlan is an extremely empathic, reliable individual who continues to exceed expectations as HR Manager. Whether she is improving employee benefits or assisting with recruiting, training or development, she continuously does everything in her power to ensure the Boohoff team has the best company culture possible.

Angela is especially passionate about helping clients because she has first-hand experienced how much an injury can impact an individual and their loved ones. She and her family have relentlessly fought for years to get her son who suffered a traumatic brain injury the care he needs. She finds it very rewarding to be a part of a team that makes a positive difference in the lives of people in need. She’s thankful that Boohoff Law has allowed her to devote her energy towards a mission she truly believes in. Her approachable, selfless nature helps the Boohoff team breathe easier each and every day. 

Angela graduated from Phoenix University where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Angela is an active member of the Society for Human Resource Management. 

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